Friday, July 25, 2014


As I am nursing the little prince, I do my usual facebooking just so I do not keep track of how slow he is nursing. Nowadays he wants a feed in the wee morning hours, when I am the sleepiest. I came across the news of this other couple (who attended the same hypnobirthing class as hubs and me) that they had just delivered. They had a successful drug free and water birth. I was happy for them of course, but deep deep deep down inside, I was just that tad bit jealous they succeeded and I did not. I know I did try my best and things don't always proceed as planned, most importantly my son came into this world safe and sound.

Delivered by Prof Chong Yap Seng & EMMa Care Midwifery team. Stayed at NUH A class ward.

My midwife : Yours was the longest, most painful delivery(she was pretending mine was like any normal delivery she sees on a daily basis)

Rewind to 1st April, I was already 4 days over my EDD. My boyboy was just happy to stay inside my womb. I had to try to bring on labour naturally if not I had to be induced, which I wanted to avoid. That day was the boulevard party and I agreed to head down early just to kpo since I have not given birth yet. (Walking around more brings on labour naturally) That morning I did feel slight cramps but they were very manageable and irregular so I did not worry too much about it. It could mean a few hours to a couple of days delivery. Besides my hospital bag was already packed so I just went ahead to meet the girls who were working at the party. Throughout the day the contractions came once in a while but all manageable so I just acted as though nothing was wrong and continued talking to keep my mind off the inconsistent contractions.

Last photo being heavily preggers
M joined me after his work. The party was a huge hit. It was so hard to get any food and I was starving. We decided to leave and try Rochor Thai. (Spicy food brings on labour naturally too) As we were eating our thai dishes, I could feel the contractions getting more regular and stronger. They were not as manageable as the ones I felt in the day. On the way home, I mentally knew it could be anytime now. I reached home and started timing my contractions. I tried my best to relax so that the contractions could do their job. Within half an hour, I felt like pooping and my contractions were very regular and getting more painful than I could bear. We took a steady drive to NUH at about 12.30am (2 April) and I was only 1 cm dialated. It was such a long way to go. We stayed to see how my labour was going to progress however with the change of environment, my contractions had slowed down significantly. We went home to allow my labour to progress in a comfortable environment. Once we were on our way home, my contractions started coming closer once again. Upon reaching home, the contractions got worse than before however knowing that I was only 1 cm, I didn't want to head to the hospital again so quickly. Obviously I did not have control on how my labour progressed, we were on our way to NUH once again after about an hour of laboring at home.

6am: Still 1cm.

We were transferred to 4 bedder B class ward as A class ward was full. I could barely rest as my contractions were strong and close. By then, I was so worn out. I could not help but keep looking at the clock. Probably checked the clock a million times the whole process. I was dying to find out how dilated I was even though the vaginal examination hurts like hell. I wanted to know how much longer my labour would last. Was the light at the end of the tunnel nearer?

2pm: I was still at 1cm.
10pm: I was at 3cm. Transferred to delivery suite

By then, I had not slept for over 24 hours and extremely shagged. We had engaged EMMA care team and I asked for them(only steps in when at least 3cm dilated and in active labour). Kelly, our midwife, suggested I go into the birthing pool to relieve the contraction pain and rest up for the next leg in the birthing marathon. Labour can slow down when you get into the pool however mine was so strong it only stretched out from once every 3 to 5 mins to every 10 mins. I was in the tub for 2 hours and managed to catch a few cat naps as my contractions became longer apart. Kelly told M to catch some sleep so he could continue supporting me. When I woke up during a contraction and found him sleeping in the armchair across the delivery suite, deep down I was a tiny bit pissed (well I cannot help feeling betrayed!)

1am(3 April): 6cm:)))

We were so excited! Finally the end seemed nearer. We were told to walk around for a bit before going back into the tub a second time. This time round, hydrotherapy did not work for me anymore. Gave it a try together with laughing gas however the pain was still unbearable. The contraction pain was still fast and furious. I ditched the birthing pool, got out and used only laughing gas. Could not keep track of time after that because I was super groggy from the laughing gas. The next time they checked, still stuck at 6cm. That was when they decided to burst my waterbag to move things along.

All hell broke loose the moment they burst my waterbag. Suddenly bb's head was no longer cushioned and full pressure was down low. the pain was so immense. I could not even stay on the bed. Every wave I have to be on the floor on all fours. I already felt like pooping the whole time but it just got a lot worse. I was trying the birthing stool, bent down, on all fours, and screaming away. I still wanted to try drug free.

6.30am: Prof chong checked and said bb was in posterior position which was not ideal as bb's back is rubbing against mine, hence the back breaking pains.

That was when I submitted to my fate and asked for epidural. Each wave was hitting my every 1-2 mins apart and I would be leaping off the bed. The anaesthetist almost refused to give me the epidural as I was moving too much. M had to geisiao and reassure him it would be fine to jab me. The anaesthetist still slowly go through point by point for the indemnity form. I was on the floor, snatched the paper from him and signed it before he was done going through everything. The anaesthetist and M were both so afriad I would leap of the bed while he jab me. Heck, even I was afraid I would move. I twirled my leg round M's and grabbed onto his arm w all my might and told him to tell the anaesthetist to jab right after a contraction. Once that was in and the epidural slowly took effect, I knocked out.

12pm: Fully dialated! Was told to slowly try and push whenever a contraction occured.
*Epidural does not take the pain of pushing bb out away* Down below feels like on fire once bb head is coming out. Once the head is out, its a breeze. I opted to tear naturally and honestly you do not feel a thing since the burning sensation is all you feel. The midwives used a mirror to show me bb's head and how much more before his head would be out which helped a lot. I was calling for them to vacuum him out cos I was pushing for so long!

2.56pm: Aiden Chia Yong Liang was born
Once bb was out, they immediately place on my chest for skin to skin. It was the happiest moment ever. Seeing his face, I just forgot how tired or painful the whole process was. We opted for delay cord clamping as well as natural birthing of placenta. We had about a whole hr of skin to skin w bb. Bb was bobbing over to my breast but was not able to latch in the delivery suite.

Breastfeeding is a whole other story to be up in the next post!

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