Monday, January 6, 2014

Officially Taken Forever

So as we are entering into 2014, I finally got around to fixing up a new blog just to keep track all the overwhelming changes in my life. Reminds me of how thankful I should be everyday.

2013 did not start on a happy note for me, life was still the same. Work work and more work, besides the very occasional drinking which I made it a point to cut down. I decided to cut out all the unhealthy activities, spend more time loving myself and to stop seeking for someone else to love me.

If even I cannot love myself, how can I expect someone else to love me?

Work was really rough at one point of time. Despite all that, a special someone crossed my path again. We knew each other about a year ago then, surprisingly exchanging our sad love stories the first time we met. M was such a strong support which I needed after a day's crazy politics. However, he stepped into my life right after I decided not to look for any romantic relationship. I was just going out with different guys as purely platonic friends. Besides, he never did clearly confessed his feelings for me. Going out as friends went on for a good one month but secretly, deep down I was thinking he cant be treating me as JUST a friend. I just played dumb the whole time until one day after a night out with him, I decided he has proved himself different from the other jerks around me and allowed him into my boundaries I have just built around myself not too long ago.

Just friends!
The moment I wanted to pick myself up and start being serious about myself, things started looking better for me. Taking a step out of my comfort zone, being together with him was worlds apart to any relationship I have been before. My work also started getting better and my boss offered me to join full time with a pretty good salary. Life started treating me really well.

Honeymoon period❤
Soon enough it was pretty clear that he was the one. This was the guy I wanted to settle down with. Everything happened how God planned out for us. I am happy God finally revealed his greater plan he had in store for me all along. My many years of doubts had been answered. Shall talk about our wedding in the next post because greater news came along!

♥Look at my cute husband♥

Work was definitely tough since I was the only girl full time and I just hated the work politics. I started to hate going to work and dealing with the stupid politics. Just as I was playing with the idea of quitting, out of the blue, I had this tiny naggy feeling that I might be pregnant, not that I missed my period but that thought just kept popping in my head. I went to get a test kit and tried.

The results came out almost instantly. I was happy of course, it was our baby, with the man I love and I know for sure loves me too but, what is going to happen next? How was I going to continue working? How about our expenses? I know I am more than capable taking care of myself but another one directly relying on me? So many 'what ifs' since none of my friends I know are married or much less pregnant! Since the discovery of the little life growing inside me, it was as though I went for a crash course and had to grow up so much faster than all my friends. Journey since then is not a bed of roses but I am glad i have my husband to be with me every step of the way.

Our first scan